Home is where the story begins
Me and Liv on our way to LGO!!
Also Mom loves pictures so she wanted to be creative and do her favorite model pose..We see you mother!!!!
Easton Boy was excited to go with the family to LGO! He is such a stud!!
My mom is the most incredible woman i have ever met in my life. I strive each day to be more like here. She is celestial and she endures more than i thought possible for a person. She is being made into something amazing and I am so lucky to not only be around all the time, but to also claim her as mine forever!! I love you mom and thank you for such a wonderful holiday and birthday! You are my strength in all i do and i owe everything to my sweet mama! I love you infinity!!
P.S! One of my most favorite things is to have a full tank of gas. I dont have it very often because I tend to put in a few bucks here and there. But to my suprise, I got into my car today and I had a full tank of gas! I was amazed that I had to take a picture! My mom drove my car and filled it up!! Thank you, Thank you!! Maybe i will let her drive it more often.... :)